Monday, July 31, 2006

Niagara trip

We were planning for Niagara trip for last 1 month but some how we were not able to go. This week also we planned for the trip. Originally we were 4-5 friends but on Thursday all of except my Roommate Rahul back fired. So we decided we won't wait for any one this time and decided to proceed. Although it won't be economical since 2 persons have to bear the cost of car rental, gas accommodation etc but we decided that enough is enough we will go. So my roommate rented the car on Friday and we proceeded to Niagara on Saturday morning around 6:00 AM.

Starting our journey

It was long journey since it is around 400(650 km) miles from our house.Since i am new to driving so most of the driving was done by Rahul but i chipped in between.It was learning experience for me to drive on US highway.

Entering Niagara Fall

So after long 8 hours drive we reached the Niagara Fall. We took the hotel and immediately proceed to Niagara Fall. These are many attraction at Niagara Fall like Cave of the Winds, Maid of the Mist etc.We took the package and started with Cave of the Winds. In this they take you to 175' down to the base of Falls.You can walk along the base of the falls on a series of wooden stairs and decks.

American Fall

It was wonderful experience standing in front of fall and water coming from the fall drenching you. Although they gave raincoat but if you stand near the fall, the wind and water coming from fall will soak you completely.

Standing near American fall

Then we moved to Maid of the Mist.In this,they take you near the American and Canadian Falls in scenic boat tour for a spectacular half-hour ride. This is life time experience.

Maid of the Mist

On Boat

When we took the ride, suddenly the weather took a change it started raining heavily. We were thinking whether we will be able to see the falls properly. The ship took us near the American fall and then the Canadian fall. Canadian fall is much bigger than the other fall. When ship reached near the Canadian fall luckily the rain stopped but water rushing from the fall is more than the rain.You can feel the thunder of the Fall. We were not able to take much picture at that time but while will coming back we took good look at the falls and took great pictures.

Canadian Fall

American Fall

In the night they illuminate the Falls with different colors like blue, yellow etc.We heard that there are fireworks at Niagara falls.So we started waiting for the same in the night,but later on we came to know that it is only on friday and saturday.

View from Observation Tower

Next day, we can to the falls around 9:00 AM and went to observation Tower.This is glass-walled elevator towers above with dramatic views of all three Falls.From these we can see all the falls. We took lots of picture there and enjoyed the scienic beauty of falls.

From Observation Tower

HorseShoe Point

After the we took the trolley which stops at several locations including major park attractions. You can board and stay on for the entire route or you can get on and off at different stops. This trolley took us to Horseshoe fall from where you can see the canadian fall. Then it took us to Discovery Center where you can learn about
natural and local history of the Niagara Gorge and Falls. It also have interactive displays including the virtual reality Gorge Elevator Experience and the Real Time Gorge Camera.

Near Canadian Fall

In the end we went to Aquarium of Niagara.There you can see over 1,500 aquatic animals, including sharks, piranhas, California Sea Lions, Moray Eels and a colony of endangered Peruvian Penguins.We also seen sessions with the California sea lions in the central pool.

After that we started own journey back to New Jersey. I enjoyed the tour throughly and will remember it for my rest of life.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Watching Streaming indian movie or serial

Here are some streaming or video site where you can watch latest indian movies or serial from various channel.

For watching indian serial from various channel muftonline is best.As name suggest it provide serial from all the indian channel free of cost.It also has movie section where you can watch streaming hindi movies.This is my favorite site and i watch Great India Laughter Challenge show on this site. muftonline

For watching movies or songs you can use musicnmovies

For live streaming indian channel use onlineMedia

If you interested in watching good quality foreign channel like HBO you can use TVUPlayer. For this you need to install TVUPlayer and then use this for connecting to available channel. This provide high quality streaming as it based on peer to peer network.


I am not a great fan of e-books as i find it difficult to read but you cann't buy all the books so you have to rely on e-books. Here is great link for software books.
This contains lot of e-books and categories it by technology.You can find books on virtually all the Topic.


These day i am brushing my database skill. i found a good database book. Sql Performance Tuning by Peter Gulutzan, Trudy Pelzer.I liked it so much that i purchased the hard copy of this book.This explain the database tuning concept in detail and with reasons.


AJAX is new buzz word these days. AJAX stand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is web development technique for creating interactive web applications. The intent is to make web pages feel more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded each time the user makes a change. This is meant to increase the web page's interactivity, speed, and usability.

Good example is Google auto complete search

Click on this link Google and try searching for somethings e.g. India you will find many words starting with india.This is done through AJAX.

More info at :


Tutorial :

AJAX Tutorial

Monday, July 10, 2006

My Camping Trip

We have a long weekend on 20th may due to memorial day. Every body planned for some fun and we were also not behind. My friend Rahul was planning to come here from Dayton.Sunil suggested why not we should go for camping in Virginia. The idea looked good to all of us and we finalized that we would be going to Virginia for camping and will also go to famous Virginia Beach. So our plan was that we will meet on Washington D.C. on Saturday will cover some part of D.C. and then will move for camping and will decide what to do next on camping.
After finalizing the trip, we started planning our camping trip. I suggested let me call one of my friend Amrit Tiwana as more friend mean more fun. Amrit also called Sidhu and Rahul said he will come with Manish. So finally we were 6 friends for our camping trip.
We decide to go to Lake Anna State park and booked the camping site there.
So on Saturday myself, Amrit and sidhu reached Washington at around 1 pm while Sunil,Rahul and Manish also reached there.In Washington we saw some white building and thought that we have reached around White House so we parked our car but actually it was capitol Building. Our other friends were near White House. Now the chaos started to find them and after 2 hrs we were able to meet.

At Washington D.C.

Amrit and Sidhu

After spending some time in Washington DC we decided to move to camping site in Virginia. We still have to get the tent and grocery so it was decided that we will do the grocery while Sunil group will get the tent. So we separated and begin our journey towards camping site.

Sunil Rawat inside Tent

We reached there around 9:00 pm but Sunil group meet with small accident. There car stepped out of the road and fell in small gadda. They have to call the 911 and after 2 hours some one came with crane and pulled there car. They reached in Camp around 2:00 am. Immediately we setup the camp. Camp site was good and all the facilities like water, electricity, grills etc.

Enjoying at Lake

Manish and me at Boat

In the morning we went to beach, played volley ball and enjoyed there. Lake Anna is well known for its largemouth bass, crappie, bream. A variety of other freshwater fish can also be found. Also, a public boat launching ramp is available, along with many areas for bank fishing. Fishing required license which we don’t have so we took a round of Lake in boat.

Goldmine Tour

Cooking at Camping Site

After noon we enjoyed Goldmine tour. Lake Anna State Park used to be known as "Gold Hill" and contained the Goodwin Gold Mine. It provided plenty of information about how the mine operated and the history of gold mining in Virginia.

In the evening we cooked the food and have daroo , saroo etc. Amrit is good in cooking, he prepared the roasted Chicken and butter chicken. We all chipped in with some stuff.
It was great fun. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Starting from Left Sunil Rawat,Rahul Hada,Manish, Sidhu, Amrit and Gurpreet

Rahul and myself

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My new Photographs

These are my new photo graphs. My friend has just opened his new photo studio and i got some photo graphs clicked from him in his photo studio.

Looking at the photo graphs i think he is good photographer :-)